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Diabetes: How to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction? FAQ

Men men over the age of 65 experience some degree of erectile dysfunction (ED).1And men with diabetes experience ED at three times the rate of non-diabetics2because of the damage diabetes can cause to the nerves and blood vessels that control the ability to get an erection.

ED and Diabetes

Diabetes can cause nerve, blood vessel, and muscle damage that results in problems like pain, numbing or loss of sensation in the hands and feet.3 These issues can also result in ED problems, because nerve signals and blood flow are necessary to the process of getting an erection. And as men with diabetes get older, ED problems become even more common.4

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What it means for you

If you are a diabetic and experiencing ED, talk with your doctor or diabetes educator about the treatment options that may be best for you. Dr Janine David share with us her advices and recommendations to prevent erectile dysfunction. Dr Janine David is a GP who specialises in Men’s and Women’s sexual health. She qualified as a GP in 2001 and has been a GP partner in the UK for the past 12 years.

Untreated ED can damage your self–confidence, causing a lot of stress— even depression and anxiety. Many men with ED feel like their lives are out of their control. The good news is there’s hope.

Take back control. Use our ‘Find a Doctor’ tool to locate a doctor in your area who can provide information on how to best treat your ED.

1: Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes WebMD Medical Reference

2: Malavige LS. Erectile dysfunction in diabetes mellitus. J Sex Med 2009; 6:1232-1247. Accessed 27/11/2020.

3: Sexual and Urologic Problems of Diabetes. NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

4: Erectile dysfunction. NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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